Wednesday, November 30, 2016

DAY- 5

CHAPTER -1 (ARJUNA VISHADA YOGA)  is continued....

SLOKAS- 4, 5 and 7  :-   They have the plain meaning as addressed by Duryodhana to Dronacharya.

But, a pertinent aspect is - Duryodhana was a worried person as soon as he observed the army of soldiers in 7 Akshoyinies on Pandavas' side, as he had not expected such a large number. Though his side had 11 Akshyonies, Duryodhana never imagined that having just returned from the forests and Ajnatavasa, only a negligible number of soldiers would join the Pandavas. He, therefore, felt disappointed.

SLOKA- 8 and 9 : The plain reading of these two Slokas reveal that- Duryodhana conveys to Dronacharya the names of the brave leaders and the renowned valiants such as "Bhavaan, meaning Dronachaya himself, Bhishma, Karna, Kripa, Aswaththama, Vikarana and Bhurishrava who are present on the battlefield(8). Duryodhana further adds-"They are all known for their courage and valour OR they have come prepared to sacrifice their life for him (Duryodhana)

SUBTLE MEANING OF SLOKAS 8 & 9 as in Geeta Bhashya is:-

These two slokas have significant "Guhya" (inner secret) meaning and reveal the anxiety from which Duryodhana suffered (Duryodhana Vishada). While naming the brave leaders of Kaurava Sainya, he first names Acharya Dronacharya. It may be noted that he was a Brahmin i.e., a non-Khsatriya. It was not his  bounden duty  (vihita karma) to have opted  for participating in the war. More so because Brahmins are considered to be soft  and less brave as far as waging a fight with a varieties of arms and weapons when compared to Kshatrian soldiers. Morevoer,  Dronacharya had a personal motive in joiniing the Kauravas side as he had grudge against King Drupada.

Hence, while taking the name of Droncharya, Duryodhana makes a sarcastic comment-Bhavaan..."

Next, he named Pitamaha Bhishma, the chief Warrior on the side of Kauravas. Though unparalleled to any other brave leaders, Bhishma had promised before accepting to lead the 11 Akshoyanies that he would not be taking the life of any of the Pandavas. This position of Bhishma was worrying Duryodhana.
The next warrior named was Karna, who was not supposed to engage himslef in fighting till Bhishma was defeated. Further, Karna had been cursed by his guru Lord Parshurama to the effect that when engages his enemy in a "competition" with others he would lose the fight. This was also a valid reason for Duryodhan's agony.

Therefore, he further mentions in Sloka 9 that, "they all are brave and valiant and have expertise in handling several kinds of arms etc., (Astra-Shastra galu), but are prepared to sacrifice themselves for him. The utterance of " sacrificing their lives...." itself indicates the negative outcome of fight apprehended by Duryodhana, revealing his "Vishada"- Anxiety and worry.