Monday, November 28, 2016

Day 3


                                                          CHAPTER - 1

                                                                   S L O K A -1 

         A plain and cursory reading of the sloka indicates that King Dhrutarashtra questioned Sanjaya as to what,"his" children and the Pandavas assembled on the battlefield of Kurukshetra, renowned as Dharmakshetra ( i.e., whoever comes and stays on this field gets pious thoughts only and gets rid of envy or hatred ) have done.

         The SUBTLE interpretation of the Sloka as in Gita Vivruti is thus:-    At the very outset, it appears quite amusing that a person of the standing of a renowned King should have posed such a casual question to Sanjaya as to what the two sides have done. What else the warriors on the battlefield with a declared battle could have done other than engaging themselves in mutual fight?. As such the purport of the Sloka and what went in the mind of Dhiratarashtra is as below:-

  •   It is ironical that though Dhritarashtra knew very well that with Lord Krishna's complete support to the Pandavaas, their victory is utmost certain, he thought of knowing the situation on the battlefield. 
  •   As Dhritarashtra knew the nature of Yudhishtira, he still had a ray of hope that his children might win the war OR at the last moment Pandavas might withdraw from the fight which in other words meant victory to Kauravas. This evidently exposes the evil attitude and the biased approach of "Putra Vyamoha" Dhritarashtra towards the children of his own brother. That is, in considering his 100 children  - the Durodahanas - only as the descendants of Kuru Vansha and not his nephews - the Pancha Pandavas.
          It is also significant to note that 10 days of war were already over and Pitamaha Bhishma  was defeated already when Sanjaya commenced explaining the incidents of the battlefield by virtue of his Doora Darshana and Doora Shravana capabilities as granted by Lord Vedavyasaru before the beginning of the 11th day war.  Dhritarashtra was shocked to know the defeat of Bhishma and in utter curiosity insisted upon Sanjaya to expalin the progress of the war since the Day-1.

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