Friday, February 3, 2017

Chapter-6--- Shloka-30-considered as the summary of entire Geeta

  Shloka 30 of 6th Adhyaya of Bhagvad Geeta is considered as the summary and substance of 701 Shlokas.

यो मां पश्यति सर्वत्र सर्वं मयि पश्यति।

तस्याहं प्रणश्यामि मे प्रणश्यति।।6.30।।

Lord Krishna tells Arjuna:-

"Arjuna !, I shall always ensure welfare of a person who is aware (conscious) of the fact that I am present everywhere (omnipresent ) and that everybody and everything in this Universe is under my total  command  and control .

I accept such a person as my devotee all the time. Then, an intimate relationship between the me and the devotee exists all the time.

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